Photography Articles, How To, favorite places and other ramblings (News)

Photography Articles, News, and Random Thoughts.

Articles of informative, educational stories and news announcement on a variety of subject pertaining to Jess Lee Photography and Fine Art Photography in general. Here you will find a series of articles and thoughts where I give my view on the subjects such as selecting fine art photography, creating great photography, the master nature photographers past and present and personal opinions on photography related subjects.

Should you have any questions or comments about the articles shared here please contact me and I will answer as soon as I can. I hope you will find some useful information or possibly a smile on my blog. I thank you for your interest in my work!

Conservation Photography : An Interview with Jess Lee by Defenders of Wildlife.
Planet Earth
What makes great conservation photography and why does it matter?

As we launch our sixth annual photo contest, Defenders sat down with accomplished wildlife photographer, Jess Lee to talk about his passion for conservation photography and the important role photography has played in wildlife conservation...

Annenberg Space for Photography Gallery Presents, Cowboy Country by Jess Lee



Jess Lee is a professional photographer with over 40 years of experience in capturing evoctive images of the west, its land, wildlife and people...

Ansel Adams, Photographer of Large Format Black and White Prints
today  |  Mountain Photography | Visualizing the West

Ansel Adams - Mountain Photographer & Master of Light

"Ansel Adams - The man who freed photographers to make art rather than just take pictures" - Jess Lee

Snake River overlook by Ansel Adams

The Tetons and the Snake River (1942) Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams...